Our Reopening Continues!
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We are adding Bible classes! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord. Beginning September 13, Bible classes for All ages starting at 9:30am Sundays. Also Bible classes for All ages begins for Wednesday evenings. There is a big change here! Note the new time for Bible class on Wednesday evenings beginning September 16 classes will start at 6:00pm sharp. and Will be finished at 6:45pm. This is a change that is designed to assist the young families with getting their children home earlier. Embrace the change, be here early: The children will go straight to class so as to begin at 6:00PM. Bible class is so important for everyone. Implanting God’s Word in your heart is vital if you are going to defeat Satan. I cannot express just how important it is to attend and study God’s word. Looking forward to seeing you in Bible class!